Saturday, 16 March 2013

Healthy Food in summers

The sun is shining and the mercury levels are soaring, you know the summer is here and there is no escape from it. It is a season where energy levels and appetite are low and a slightest activity causes the sweat to flow off your back and face. Life goes on and it is very necessary to cope with the heat to avoid the usual problems of dehydration, heatstroke and a feeling of lethargy. The best way to beat the heat is to eat the right food. Eating the right type of food makes the summer pleasant and enjoyable.
Avoid oily food
Eating excess of fried food causes lethargy. So go for grilled stuff, steamed, boiled and roasted eatables instead. Such food not only keeps you healthy but also makes
Reduce ingestion of beverages
Consuming excess of tea and coffee increases your urination period, leading to more water loss. You can always go for required amount of such drinks, but as they dehydrate your body fluids, so keep a proper check on their intake level.
Avoid eating stale foodstuffs (fruits and vegetable)
Do not cut Fruit and vegetables much earlier since it leads to water loss thereby causing degradation of their nutritional content that is why it is always recommended to consume only freshly peeled and chopped fruit and veggies. Make sure you avoid stale food because such a Food might be breeding floor for various bacteria.
Avoid excessive smoking and alcohol intake
Avoid both drinking alcohol and smoking cigars and cigarettes, as they dehydrate the contents of our body taking away the required oxygen substance from the blood vessels thereby causing suffocation in our lungs.
Avoid drinks rich in acidic contents
Try to Avoid such soft drinks since they produce gases in our body which leads to digestion problems like gastrointestinal distresses like stomach aches, diarrhea, vomiting etc. so, instead of feeding yourself with such processed carbonated drinks you can consume lemonade, lassi, jaljeera and home-made drinks like mango panna. These drinks help in maintaining the electrolyte balance of the body. Also, yoghurt if consumed with sugar reduces the acid that gets produced in the body because of former carbonated drinks.
Eat in less quantity
Over eating in any season is bad. Make sure your Chew your food bites properly and leave the habit of eating in hurry. In such sweltering summer, go for light meals, particularly at night. Otherwise you may go through indigestion, loose motions or vomiting. Avoid long gaps between meals too. Eat three times a day, interspersed with frequent snacks like salads, sprouts and fruits.

Use More and more water , Cooling drinks Chilled soups (great appetizers), Fresh fruits and salads and fresh Curd ....

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

How to care sarees in Monsoon

Saris are an essential part of the wardrobe of any Indian women, and she takes great pains to see that no harm comes to her prized collection. The better ones last for decades, and are worn only on the most special of occasions. So let us see how to preserve these special pieces of garment. With proper care and attention, Sarees can be preserved for ages without losing its luster or freshness. Follow the directions below carefully and your Saree would last longer with the same sheen as a new one!
We are here with some Tips

Cotton saris : These saris need a lot of maintenance. They can be washed at home but a lot of care is needed because most colors in cotton like black, turquoise and navy blue, mehandi Green, bleed. Hence, they should be washed separately, and not left immersed in water for long. They should be dried in the shade. A cotton sari looks graceful if it is starched properly.

Tissue and Organza : The Tissue and organza sari must never be left hanging for long else it loses its shape. They should be wrapped in muslin cloth separately and then stored. They should be refolded time to time so that tears do not appear on the creases. They should be dry-cleaned by a good laundry.

Chiffon and Georgette : Chiffon and Georgette saris also need careful handling. They should also be laundered carefully, and they should not be wrapped too tightly and sari pins should not be used, as these saris are very delicate and may tear. The saris having heavy zari or embroidered borders should not be left hanging for long as the sari may tear.

Silk Saris : Expensive natural silk saris should be kept in a dry and dark part of the cupboard, wrapped in muslin or mul-mul cloth as it is also known. This allows some air to pass through while keeping out damaging moisture. While ironing them also special care should be taken as saris made from different materials need different temperatures, and so there is need to be careful about that or the sari will get damaged. Water should not be sprayed on certain saris while ironing like silk, satin, as it will leave stains on them.
Silk saris also should preferably be laundered at the drycleaners. They should also be stored in muslin cloth in a dark place so that they are not discolored.
Follow these simple tips to have your saris around you for the next half century as well!

Thursday, 28 June 2012

बरसात में कैसे करें रेनकोट का चुनाव How to choose raincoat -Cheerfull latest Raincoat designs/

बरसात में रेनकोट का होना बहुत ही ज़रूरी है कई  बार  छाता आपकी ज़रूरत को पूरा नहीं कर पाता और एसे समय  सबसे पहले जरुरत   महसूस होती है की किस तरह का रेनकोट ख़रीदा जाए .अपनी जरूरत और पसंद के हिसाब से आप रेनकोट का चुनाव कर सकते हैं.
सामान्य तौर पर रेनकोट का मटेरिअल  तीन तरह का होता है  इनमे से आप किसी भी तरह का रेनकोट पसंद कर सकते हैं 
१. water Resistant/ Breathable fabric   : इस तरह के रेनकोट पानी से तो बचाते ही है साथ ही साथ   Breathable factor पसीने को आने से भी रोकता है .इस तरह के रेनकोट में इक बड़ी समस्या ये है की ये सामान्य बरसात वाले क्षेत्रों में ही ज्याद उपयोगी  है ,अत्यधिक वर्षा वाले स्थान पर इनका उपयोग  सही नहीं  क्यूंकि ये पानी को अपने पर से बहा देते हैं पर वाटर प्रूफ नहीं होते 

२.  Water proof and Breathable : इस तरह के रेनकोट तेज और अधिक वर्षा वाले स्थानों में भी आपको पानी से बचा सकते हैं.ये वज़न में भारी और  स्थान घेरते है तथा  दाम में कुछ महंगे होते हैं पर ये हर तरह की वर्षा के लिए सही चुनाव है  इसे वर्षा ,बर्फ़बारी ,आदि में पहना जा सकता है .

३.  Ultralight waterproof breathable fabric : इस तरह के रेनकोट एसे स्थानों और परिस्थितियों के लिए सही होते है जब वजन और इन्हें रखने के लिए उपलब्ध जगह का प्रबाह अधिक मतलब जब यात्रा के दौरान इनका प्रयोग ठीक होता है क्यूंकि ये कम स्थान घेरते हैं और कम वज़न के होते हैं . गर्म से लेकर सामान्य ठन्डे स्थान तक इनका प्रयोग बेहतर है .वेसे इस तरह के रेनकोट काफी महंगे होते है पर ये अत्यधिक वर्षा के समय भी उपयोगी है साथ ही कम वज़न  के कारन लम्बे समय तक पहने जा सकते हैं
रेनकोट कई तरह के होते हैं और आप अपनी पसंद के हिसाब से इनमे से कोई भी रेनकोट चुन सकते हैं
•  Three quarter length
• Full length raincoats
• Trench coat
• Single breasted
• Double breasted
• Kagool
• Duffle coats
• Overcoats
• Quilted raincoats
• Cape
• Poncho

Latest design of raincoat For Year 2012

Some Latest Designs From Designers Bag

 Some raincoat designs from the fashion designer Maxjenny Forslund. Colorful, geometric raincoats gathered in a collection named Street Sculptures.

Eco friendly rain coat

Water Proof and Stylish Raincoat  

Some Popular Raincoat Brands

  • Kenneth Cole
  • Ann Taylor 
  • Armani 
  • Liz Claiborne
  • Marc Jacobs
  • Barbour
  • DKNY 
  • LL Bean Raincoats
  • Reebok
  • woodland

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Enjoy Monsoon Mania:What to do & what not to Do

Come monsoon season and everybody has to rake their brains as to what to put on and step out of the house. Be it clothes or footwear - everyone has to compromise in terms of dressing up, not according to what looks best on them but as per what the showers allow them. We are here with some tips so you can enjoy your rainy day...

1.     Choose Your Shoes according to your dress  
• If you decide to wear capri’s or a short skirt, then you can wear flip-flops, Crocs or just flats. They are ideal for the rains, they come in fabulous colours, like hot pink, red, orange, navy blue, green etc. Transparent, bright, electrifying rubber foot-wear are highly in vogue so while, choosing the one for yourself Go wild with colours this season.
• If You are going to wear sari, then you can wear sandals with straps as they would be firm on your feet. Go for slip-resistant sandals and shoes.
• Do not wear heels in rainy season. But, if you just cannot resist wearing heels then go for slip-resistant sandals. But, keep in mind that the heel should not be more than 2 inches.

2. Say Yes To
  • Rain-boots and gum-boots :
Rain boots and gum boots protect the feet from mud, dirt and water during monsoon. They are water-proof and are mostly made from rubber. Lycra boots look great and survive monsoon.
  • Camphor powder : Protect your feet from foot infections and nail infections. Camphor powder is an effective antiseptic. Mix it with talcum powder and apply before wearing shoes and after opening them.
  •  Rubbing onion juice between infected toes helps to cure infection faster.
  • If you develop itch due to mud water, wash feet in a mild solution of lime juice and vinegar to reduce the itch.
  • If your wet feet have tendency to cause odors, mix 5ml of peppermint oil in a tub of lukewarm water with handful of neem leaves and soak your feet for 10 minutes. Dry and spray talcum powder on it. This will help in reducing the perspiration plus relieve you from odors-causing bacteria.
  • • At the end of a humid rainy day, soak your feet in cold water and salt solution. Scrub, clean and wipe dry.

3. Say NO No

• During monsoon do not wear sports or canvas shoes as they may attract the growth of bacteria.
• Avoid wearing leather shoes as they too have a tendency to support bacteria because of the moisture.
• Don’t keep your shoes and sandals under the bed or inside the shoe rack when it is wet. This gives birth to bacteria’s. Let them dry under the sun to keep away the bacteria’s from breeding in your shoes.
• Avoid wearing humid or wet clothes as it cause skin infection.
• Try to take  bath if you get wet in rain.